Citation(s) from the literature library
Ecuador. 1997 ‘Firearm Sales (Venta de Armas).’ Regulations to the Act on Arms, Ammunition, Explosives and Accessories, Executive Decree No. 169. RO/32; Title IV, Chapter V, § 1 (Article 57), p. 20. Quito: Ministry of the Attorney General of the Republic of Ecuador. 27 March
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Reglamento a la Ley Sobre Armas, Municiones, Explosivos y Accesorios. Decreto Ejecutivo No. 169. RO/ 32
Artículo 57. Venta de Armas
Las armas vendidas, no podrán ser entregadas al comprador, mientras éste no hubiere obtenido el permiso para portarlas, otorgado por la autoridad militar de control de cada jurisdicción.
Para ello, el interesado presentará en el Organismo Militar de Control, la respectiva factura original de compra, a más de cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en el Art. 83 de este Reglamento sin que sea necesario la presentación del arma.
[Translation by]
Regulations to the Act on Arms, Ammunition, Explosives and Accessories, Executive Decree No. 169. RO/32
Article 57. Firearm Sales
Sold firearms may not be handed over to the buyer if he does not possess a licence to carry firearms, issued by the military agency in control of each jurisdiction.
To do so, the applicant must provide to the military agency the original receipt of his purchase, and must also comply with requirements referred to in Article 83 of this Regulation without the necessity of showing the weapon.
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