Citation(s) from the literature library
Venezuela. 2014 ‘Prohibited Areas for Sport-Hunting (Áreas Prohibidas para la Cacería Deportiva).’ Decree No. 881, promulgating Regulations for the Law on Disarmament and Control of Firearms and Ammunition; Title III, Chapter II, §4 (Article 52), p. 10. Caracas: Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.129. 8 April
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Decreto N° 881, mediante el cual se dicta el Reglamento de la Ley para el Desarme y Control de Armas y Municiones
Artículo 5. Áreas Prohibidas para la Cacería Deportiva
Se consideran áreas prohibidas para la cacería deportiva:
1. Parques Nacionales.
2. Monumentos Naturales.
3. Santuarios de Fauna Silvestre.
4. Reservas de Fauna Silvestre.
5. Reservas Forestales.
6. Reservas de Pesca.
7. Los fundos de propiedad privada sin la autorización por escrito de sus dueños administradores o encargados.
[Translation by]
Decree No. 881, promulgating Regulations for the Law on Disarmament and Control of Firearms and Ammunition
Article 5. Prohibited Areas for Sport-Hunting
No sport-hunting shall take place in the following areas:
1. National Parks
2. National Monuments
3. Wildlife sanctuaries
4. Wildlife reserves
5. Forest reserves
6. Fishing reserves
7. Private properties without the written authorisation of their administrative owners or those responsible for them.
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