Citation(s) from the literature library
Venezuela. 2014 ‘Registration of Companies (Registro de Empresas).’ Decree No. 881, promulgating Regulations for the Law on Disarmament and Control of Firearms and Ammunition; Title II, Chapter II (Article 19), p. 4. Caracas: Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.129. 8 April
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Decreto N° 881, mediante el cual se dicta el Reglamento de la Ley para el Desarme y Control de Armas y Municiones
Articulo 19. Registro de Empresas
Los trámites administrativos correspondientes al registro de la empresa que comercialice armas (incluyendo sus componentes, partes y piezas), municiones, accesorios y afines, será dirigido al órgano competente de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana para el control de armas y municiones, el
cual se reserva dentro de sus atribuciones conferidas, el derecho de conceder, renovar o suspender el permiso.
[Translation by]
Decree No. 881, promulgating Regulations for the Law on Disarmament and Control of Firearms and Ammunition
Article 19. Registration of Companies
The administrative procedures corresponding to the registration of the company commercialising firearms (including components, parts and pieces), ammunition, accessories and related materials, will have to be conducted with the competent body of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces for the control of arms and ammunition, which reserves, as part of its prerogatives, the right to grant, renew or suspend the permit.
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