Citation(s) from the literature library
Bolivia. 2013 ‘Theft or Robbery of Weapons and Ammunition for Military or Police Use (Hurto o Robo de Armamento y Munición de Uso Militar o Policial).’ Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials Control Law - Act 400; Title 8, Chapter 5 (Article 141), p. 19. Sucre: Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia. 18 September
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Artículo 141 Septer. (Hurto o Robo de Armamento y Munición de Uso Militar o Policial)
I. El que hurtare o robare armamento y munición de uso militar o policial, será sancionado con pena privativa de libertad:
a) Hurto, de cinco (5) a diez (10) años.
b) Robo, de ocho (8) a quince (15) años.
II. Si fuera miembro o partícipe de una asociación delictuosa, la pena será agravada en un tercio de la pena mayor.
III. La pena será agravada en dos tercios de la pena mayor si fuere miembro o partícipe de la estructura de una Organización Criminal.
IV. La pena será agravada en dos tercios si concurrieran las causales del robo agravado o el armamento o munición hurtado o robado fuere utilizado para la comisión de otro delito.
V. La pena será de treinta (30) años de presidio sin derecho a indulto, si el delito es cometido por personal militar o policial.
[Translation by]
Article 141 Seventh. (Theft or Robbery of Weapons and Ammunition for Military or Police Use)
I. He who steals weapons and ammunition used by the military or police, shall be punished with imprisonment:
a) Theft, five (5) to ten (10) years.
b) Robbery, eight (8) to fifteen (15) years.
II. If you were a member or participant in a conspiracy, the penalty shall be increased by one third of the maximum penalty.
III. The penalty shall be increased by two-thirds of the maximum punishment if the culprit was a member or participant in the structure of a Criminal Organisation.
IV. The penalty shall be increased by two thirds of the maximum punishment on the grounds of aggravated robbery or if the stolen firearms were used to commit another crime.
V. The penalty shall be thirty (30) years in prison without the right to pardon, if the offence is committed by military and police personnel.
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