Citation(s) from the literature library
Dreyfus, Pablo, and Marcelo de Sousa Nascimento. 2010 ‘Distribution of Small Arms Holdings per Group.’ Small Arms in Brazil: Production, Trade, and Holdings; Special Report No. 11 (Figure 2.3), p. 131. Geneva: Viva Rio, ISER, and the Small Arms Survey, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. 1 September
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What the Numbers Reveal: Distribution of small arms holdings per group
Total small arms holdings in Brazil are estimated at 16,990,200.
First, the proportion of legal to illicit holdings is almost 40:60 per cent.
More than half of the circulating firearms are in the hands of either criminals or private citizens in the informal market.
Figure 2.3:
STATE HOLDINGS - 2,119,800:
State military police: 1,316,600
Law enforcement and criminal justice: 803,200
State military police - 1,316,600:
Active: 402,200
Reserves: 914,400
Law enforcement and criminal justice - 803,200:
State military police: 561,600
Non-military police corps (civilian state police, federal police, and federal highway police): 193,700
National public security force: 10,800
Others: 37,100
PRIVATE HOLDINGS - 14,870,400:
Legal holdings: 5,370,500
Illicit holdings: 9,499,900
Legal holdings - 5,370,500:
Collectors, sports shooters, and hunters: 212,600
Military (includes retired): 395,200
State military police and state fire departments (includes retired): 637,200
Civilians: 3,688,500
Private security: 238,500
Gun shops: 135,400
Other private legal entities: 63,100
Illicit holdings - 9,499,900:
Informal holdings: 4,243,800
Criminal: 5,256,100
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