Citation(s) from the literature library
Pakistan. 1965 ‘Definitions.’ Pakistan Arms Ordinance 1965 (W.P. Ord. XX of 1965); Section 3. Islamabad: Central Government of Pakistan. 8 June
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3. Definitions
(1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say —
(a) "ammunition" includes —
(i) ammunition of all types for light and heavy automatic weapons, revolvers,
pistols, rifles, carbines, muskets and shotguns;
(ii) ammunition constructed and modified for firing projectiles or gas or smoke
(iii) gun wads, gun flints, percussion-caps, fuses, friction tubes and detonators;
(iv) all types of grenades, bombs, rockets, mines and fuels for flame throwers;
(v) all types of explosives, fulminating material and propellants, including all
articles specially designed for torpedo operation and charges;
(vi) all parts of ammunition, but does not include lead, sulphur or saltpeter;
(b) "arms" includes—
(i) cannon;
(ii) firearms of all types, such as light and heavy automatic and semi-automatic
weapons, rifles, carbines, muskets, shotguns (whether single or double barrelled), revolvers, pistols and appliances the object of which is the silencing of fire arms;
(iii) air pistols, bayonets, swords, sword-sticks, daggers, knives with blades of four inches or more (but not kitchen knives or knives used in good faith for the carrying on of a profession), and flick-knives irrespective of the blade;]
(iv) knuckle-dusters, spears, spear-heads, bows and arrows and parts of arms;
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