Citation(s) from the literature library

China. 2002 ‘List of Military Products for Export.’ List of Military Products Export Administration of the People's Republic of China; Articles 1-14. Beijing: China. 15 October

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第一类 轻武器

1.1  轻武器:单兵或班组携行使用的武器。包括:

1.1.1 枪械:主要利用火药燃气等能量通过管件发射枪弹弹头,口径小于20毫米(0.78英寸)的身管武器。包括手枪、冲锋枪、步枪、机枪及其他特种用途枪械。

1.1.2 榴弹武器:发射榴弹完成一定战斗任务的步兵近战武器。包括掷弹筒、迫炮式榴弹发射器、无坐力发射器、火箭发射器、榴弹发射器、榴弹弹射器、单兵制导武器、手榴弹及其他各种榴弹发射器。

1.1.3 特种装备:用于爆破、布雷、探雷、排雷、纵火、发烟、照明、信号、防暴乱及其他各种特殊任务的单兵或班组携行使用的武器。

1.1.4 轻便激光干扰装置。

1.1.5 冷兵器。包括刺刀、多用途刀具、伞兵刀、飞行员刀及其他军用刀具。

1.2 配用于本类1.1节所列全部产品的瞄准具、夜瞄具、消音器、抑制器和闪光抑制器。

1.3 本类1.1至1.2节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

1.4 与本类1.1至1.3节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类1.1至1.3节所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第二类 火炮及其他发射装置

2.1 火炮:利用火药燃气压力等能源抛射弹丸,口径等于和大于20毫米(0.78英寸)的身管射击武器。包括加农炮、榴弹炮、迫击炮、迫榴炮、火箭炮、无坐力炮、高射炮、坦克炮、反坦克炮、航炮、舰炮、岸炮及以上各种火炮的自行或自走形式。

2.2 各种新能源火炮。

2.3 配用于本类2.1节和2.2节所列全部产品的瞄准具、夜瞄具、测距仪、发射架和底座。

2.4 军用火焰喷射器及其相关部件和装置。包括储油装置、压源装置、输油管、点火装置和喷射装置。

2.5 本类2.1至2.4节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

2.6 与本类2.1至2.5节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类2.1至2.5节所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第三类 弹药、地雷、水雷、炸弹、反坦克导弹及其他爆炸装置

3.1 弹药:使用枪械、单兵或班用战斗发射器及各种身管武器、发射架(筒)发射,利用火药燃气压力或其他能源抛射弹丸及辅件的装置和零部件的总称。包括:

3.1.1 本清单第一类和第二类所列全部武器配用的各种口径的枪弹、炮弹、火箭弹和榴弹及其他各种弹药。

3.1.2 与本类3.1节3.1.1项所列全部产品配套的弹丸(含引信、弹体、装填物)、发射装药(含发射药及其附件、药筒或药包、点火具)、弹芯、传爆药、起爆装置、底火、保险和解保装置及一次性操作高输出电源。

3.1.3 弹链和弹链供弹机。

3.2 弹药制造机械和弹药装填机械。

3.3 地雷:设置在地面下或地面上构成爆炸性障碍,等待目标作用(或操纵)而发火的武器。包括:

3.3.1 防坦克地雷、防步兵地雷和特种地雷。

3.3.2 地雷的雷体和引信。

3.4 水雷:布设在近岸浅海水域或江河、湖泊中,用于毁伤、迟滞舰船、水陆两用车辆、人员等的爆炸装置。包括:

3.4.1 江河水雷、滩涂水(地)雷和特种水雷。

3.4.2 水雷的壳体、引信、装药、起爆装置、辅助仪表、布雷附件、保持设定深度装置及其相关部件。

3.5 炸弹:用飞机或其他飞行器投放的弹药及弹药布撒器。包括装药弹体、稳定装置、引信、扩爆装置、挂装弹耳以及根据用途要求附加的减速装置、制导装置和动力系统。

3.6 反坦克导弹:用以攻击坦克或其他装甲、工事、掩体等目标的导弹(含反坦克导弹的遥控制导和寻的制导装置)。

3.7 配用于本类3.1至3.6节所列全部产品的发射装置、爆破装置、引爆装置、传火装置、雷管及瞄准、夜视装置和各种器材。

3.8 本类3.1至3.7节所列全部产品的搬运、控制、启动、监视、检测、拆除装置,软件、设备和器材。

3.9 军用爆炸物的销毁及清除设备。

3.10 为本类所列全部产品专门设计或改进的,由先进复合材料(例如:硅、石墨、碳/硼纤维丝)加工或半加工的耐烧蚀材料。

3.11 本类3.1至3.9节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

3.12 与本类3.1至3.11节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类3.1至3.11节所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第四类 坦克、装甲车辆及其他军用车辆

4.1 坦克:具有强大直射火力、高度越野机动性和坚强装甲防护力的履带式装甲战斗车辆。包括主战坦克、水陆两栖坦克、侦察坦克、空降坦克。

4.2 装甲车辆:具有装甲防护的各种履带或轮式军用车辆。包括水陆两栖装甲车、装甲步兵战车、装甲输送车、装甲侦察车、装甲指挥车、装甲通信车、装甲电子对抗车、装甲情报处理车、装甲救护车、装甲洗消车、装甲供弹车、装甲补给车、装甲防暴车。

4.3 其他军用车辆:所有用于军事用途的履带式或轮式车辆(本类中不含军用工程车辆和后勤支援车辆)。包括特种突击车、各种火箭和导弹发射车、自行火炮底盘车、作战保障车辆、高机动多用途轮式车辆(含侦察车、防暴车等)、其他军用专用车辆。

4.4 为本类4.1节至4.3节所列全部产品专门设计或改进的底盘、动力和传动装置。

4.5 为本类4.1至4.2节所列产品配置的主动装甲、反应装甲装置。

4.6 本类4.1至4.5节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

4.7 与本类4.1至4.6节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类4.1至4.6节所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第五类 军事工程装备与设备

5.1 军事工程装备与设备:用于工程建设、架桥、浮渡、涉渡、布雷、探雷、扫雷、排雷、抢救、抢修、爆破和清障及伪装等军事行动的装备与设备。包括:

5.1.1 军事工程建设车辆与设备。包括推土机、装载机、挖掘机、平路机、压路机及军用工程机械、设备、器材、工具等。

5.1.2 工程、抢救、抢修车辆。包括坦克抢救车、装甲抢修车、装甲维修工程车、坦克架桥车、路面器材(含路面车辆)、水上浮渡、舟桥、军用桥梁(含机械化桥、栈桥)、浮码头、涉渡器材(含轻型渡河器材)。

5.1.3 布雷、探雷、扫雷、排雷装备、器材与车辆。包括扫雷坦克、道路扫雷车、装甲扫雷车、装甲布雷车、拖式布雷车、抛撒布雷车、火箭布雷车、火箭扫雷车、火箭扫雷弹、单兵布雷装置、电子探雷器材、金属探雷器、非金属探雷器、航空炸弹探测器、火箭爆破弹、柔性爆破装置、导爆索网、扫雷滚、扫雷犁链。

5.1.4 破障装备与设备。包括破障车、防步兵障碍物破障系统、登陆破障系统。

5.1.5 工程爆破器材。包括火箭爆破器、掩体爆破器、爆破筒、制式炸药块、火工品、遥控起爆器。

5.1.6 测试与检测器材。

5.1.7 伪装和欺骗设备。包括伪装装备与欺骗装备(含假目标、模拟装置和烟火、伪装遮障装置)。

5.2 本类5.1节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

5.3 与本类5.1至5.2节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类5.1至5.2节所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第六类 军用舰船及其专用装备与设备

6.1 军用舰船:为军用目的设计、建造、改进、改装和装备的,能在水面、地效翼区域或水下航行的舰船。包括:

6.1.1 作战舰船(含核动力型)。包括驱逐舰、护卫舰、护卫艇、导弹艇、鱼雷艇、猎潜舰艇、潜艇、两栖作战舰艇、登陆舰艇、巡逻艇(包括内河、湖泊巡逻艇)、冲锋舟、军用气垫船、布雷舰(艇)、反水雷舰艇、猎、扫雷舰艇及其他特种作战舰艇。

6.1.2 军用辅助舰船。包括援潜救生船(艇)、海上补给供应船、医疗救护船、供应/修理船、侦察船、战斗支援后勤船、非作战支援服务船以及其他用于军事目的的特种工作舰船。

6.2 舰载武器系统:为形成舰艇作战能力专门设计、改进,以军用舰船或舰载飞行器为平台,从目标探测到发控的武器系统及其设备。包括作战指挥控制系统、舰用机枪、舰炮、火箭炮、鱼雷、水雷、导弹、深水炸弹、反潜作战装置、发控装置以及各种猎、扫、灭雷装置。

6.3 舰艇专用设备:为作战舰艇专门设计或改进的专用系统和设备。包括:

6.3.1 舰艇动力、推进和控制设备。包括核动力、柴油机、燃气轮机、蒸汽轮机、电力推进系统及动力电池、发电机、推进电机及各种螺旋桨、后传动装置。

6.3.2 舰艇导航系统和设备。包括综合导航显控台、惯性导航系统、平台罗经、卫星导航接收设备、电罗经、磁罗经、电子海图、无线电导航系统、计程仪、测深仪、测潜仪。

6.3.3 舰艇其他专用设备与装置。包括直升机着舰系统与设备、舰载无人机发射及回收设备、减摇装置、舰艇操纵系统与舵装置、潜浮控制台、空气压缩机、高压空气瓶、蓄压器、各种泵类、锚装置、舱室大气环境控制系统与设备、特种螺旋桨、各种防险救生设备和援潜救生设备。

6.4 舰载电子、光学装备。包括海上作战使用的C4ISR(指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报、监视、侦察。以下不再加注)系统,各种雷达、电子战、电子侦察、电子干扰、电磁环境模拟器,各种声纳和系统显控台、本艇噪声检测仪、声学目标模拟器、通信系统与设备,各种天线、光电跟踪仪、电子对抗系统与设备、潜用潜望镜及装置、水声对抗系统和发控设备,各种水声干扰器、气幕弹和诱饵、红外夜视仪、激光测距仪、水中目标探测和跟踪装置(含声、磁、水压探测、跟踪设备)。

6.5 本类6.1至6.4节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

6.6 与本类6.1至6.5节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备和相关生产线、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第七类 军用航空飞行器及其专用装备与设备

7.1 军用航空飞行器:为军事目的专门设计、改进或装备的航空飞行器。包括歼击机(截击机)、轰炸机、歼击轰炸机、强击机、侦察机、预警机、电子战飞机、空中加油机、舰载机、水上飞机、运输机、通用飞机、超轻型飞机、教练机、研究/验证机、地效翼飞行器、气垫飞行器、特种载人飞行器、气球、飞艇、武装直升机、侦察直升机、通信指挥直升机、舰载直升机、运输直升机、多用途直升机、教练直升机、电子对抗直升机、无人驾驶直升机、侦察无人机、电子战无人机、攻击无人机、靶标、无人飞艇及其配套的控制、检测设备,空降兵专用伞具和头盔、军用航空飞行器驾驶员头盔及救生装置(含救生伞、弹射座椅及其他救生装置)。

7.2 军用飞机发动机:为本类7.1节所列军用飞机专门设计或改进的发动机。包括活塞发动机、涡轮螺旋桨发动机、涡轮轴发动机、涡轮喷气发动机、涡轮风扇发动机、冲压喷气发动机(含进气道)、固体火箭发动机、液体火箭发动机、以及与上述各种发动机相关的其他设备与装置。

7.3 机载设备:为本类7.1节所列军用飞机专门设计或改进的各种机载设备。包括雷达、通信系统与设备、导航设备、飞行控制设备与仪表、气动设备、液压设备、航空探潜装备(包括吊放声纳、声纳浮标和磁探仪)、航空探测、测绘和侦察设备,弹射救生设备、起飞着陆设备、环控设备、电源与配电设备、外挂物管理系统和设备、数据传输系统和设备、机载计算机、大气数据系统、敌我识别器、应答机、第二动力装置(APU等)、航空电子综合系统、非航空电子综合系统、电子地图、飞行参数测量与记录系统、燃油设备、机轮刹车设备、机上供氧设备、个体防护救生设备、各种航行指示装置。

7.4 机载武器系统。包括导弹(含配套的检测设备)、航空炸弹、火箭、航炮、航空机枪、航空鱼雷(水雷)、各类机载武器吊舱、武器悬挂、发射装置,机载火控系统与设备(含机载雷达,机载电子对抗系统、光学、光电反潜探测装置,照相吊舱、雷达或光电侦察吊舱、瞄准吊舱、导航吊舱、制导吊舱、电子对抗吊舱、任务计算机、多功能显示器、瞄准具、头盔瞄准具、照相枪、摄录像系统、头盔瞄准显示器、C4ISR系统、平视显示器)。

7.5 飞行保障设备与设施:为保障本类7.1节所列军用飞机的使用和维护专门设计、改进的机场设施、场站设备、一级和二级保障设备、跑道快速修复设备和器材、野战机场铺设设备和器材、机场设备(含各种气源车、电源车、牵引车)。

7.6 本类7.1至7.5节所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

7.7 与本类7.1至7.6节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量与校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第八类 火箭、导弹、军用卫星及其辅助设备

8.1 火箭:依靠火箭发动机喷射工质产生的反作用力推进的飞行器。包括:

8.1.1 运载火箭。包括具有各种载荷能力的运载火箭、运载火箭的任何一级或任何子级、火箭发动机、火箭壳体。

8.1.2 战术火箭。包括舰载火箭、航空火箭、炮兵火箭、布雷火箭、反坦克火箭、军用气象火箭以及各类战术火箭的有效载荷、火箭发动机和稳定装置。

8.2 导弹武器系统:由导弹系统及其配套的技术装备和设施组成的,能够独立执行作战任务的武器系统。包括导弹系统、作战勤务保障系统、目标侦察瞄准系统、指挥通信系统。

8.2.1 导弹系统:导弹及其配套的测试、发射等技术设备的总称。包括导弹及其运输、对接、装填、检测、瞄准、发射、供电等设备。

8.2.2 导弹:安装有动力装置,能控制飞行弹道,并带有有效载荷的无人驾驶飞行武器。包括面面、面空、空面、空空等类导弹。

8.2.3 直接作战装备。包括导弹及导弹发射系统、搜索跟踪系统和通信系统(含安装在导弹系统上的采用转发器的跟踪系统、导弹装卸、定位、发射设备,各级指挥通信车和设备、定位定向设备)。

8.2.4 技术保障装备。包括测试设备、维修设备、导弹装填设备和运输设备。

8.2.5 导弹主要系统设备。包括引信战斗部系统设备(含战斗部、引信、保险装置、解保装置、安全引爆装置和其他相关设备)、制导和控制系统设备(含目标探测装置、飞行控制装置和部件、组件及其他相关电子和电气设备)、弹上遥测设备、动力装置、弹上能源和弹体。

8.2.6 导弹武器系统各种部件、设备、程序和软件。包括: 导弹系统的各级和各子级、火箭的各级和各子级、运载火箭的级间机构、导弹再入飞行器、导弹再入飞行器的烧蚀材料防热套及其部件、导弹再入飞行器的热沉装置及其部件、导弹再入飞行器的电子设备。 液体火箭发动机、固体火箭发动机、涡轮喷气发动机、涡轮风扇发动机、冲压发动机、组合发动机、等离子发动机、液体推进剂、固体推进剂、火箭发动机壳体、内衬、绝热层和喷管,导弹发射弹射装置、导弹助推器。 战斗部、引信、保险装置、解保装置、安全引爆装置、多弹头分导装置、战斗部抗压、抗爆、抗电磁装置和其他相关设备。 制导和控制装置。包括目标探测和指示设备及装置、雷达制导装置、红外制导装置、电视制导装置、激光制导装置、图像制导装置、复合制导装置、无线电指令制导装置、自动驾驶仪、惯性导航装置、指令装置、弹上计算机、执行机构、推力矢量控制系统、舵系统,导弹的液压、机械、光电、机电控制系统,姿态控制系统及设备。 导弹指挥控制系统。包括发控和数据传输程序及装置、目标搜索、识别、跟踪、照射和指示系统及其相关设备、雷达探测设备、指挥控制系统及其相关设备、发射系统及其相关设备、供配电系统及其相关设备。

8.2.7 导弹生产试验设备。包括仿真试验设备及相关软件、力学环境试验设备、冲击过载试验设备、电磁干扰试验设备、电磁兼容试验设备、引爆试验设备、应力试验设备、目标特性测试设备、风洞试验设备、导弹部件组装线、产品总装线、生产线专用设备、加工测试设备、工装夹具及相关的通用设备。

8.2.8 上述产品和设备的相关专用软件(含作战指挥、控制、通信软件,制导雷达数据处理软件、导弹飞控软件、导弹发射控制软件、靶场测量、试验设备及相关软件、弹上和地面遥测设备及相关软件)。

8.3 军用卫星:用于军事目的的卫星。包括:

8.3.1 军用通信卫星、军用侦察卫星、军用导航定位卫星、军用气象卫星、军用遥感卫星、军用测绘卫星、军用试验卫星。

8.3.2 卫星组件。包括天线、推进剂、姿态控制装置、能源装置、热控装置、测控装置、全球定位系统及各种任务装置。

8.3.3 卫星地面设备。包括数据接收设备、数据处理设备等。

8.4 本类8.1至8.3节所列全部产品的专用零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

8.5 与本类8.1至8.4节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量和校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第九类 军用电子产品及火控、测距、光学、制导与控制装置

9.1 用于军事目的或专门为军用而设计、改装或配置的电子设备。包括:

9.1.1 指挥自动化系统及设备。包括联合作战指挥自动化系统、空军C4ISR系统、海军C4ISR系统、陆军C4ISR系统、空中交通管制系统、军用计算机系统、应用支撑软件系统及配套设备。

9.1.2 雷达系统及其传感器。包括具有预警、监视、目标指示制导、火控、战场侦察、测量、交通管制、气象、敌我识别、搜索、捕获、跟踪、成像、校射等功能的雷达系统及传感器,各种雷达的配套系统和设备。

9.1.3 电子战设备。包括雷达对抗系统和设备、光电对抗系统和设备、通信对抗系统和设备、无线电近炸引信对抗系统和设备、水声对抗系统和传感器、雷达和光电诱饵设备、电子支援措施系统(ESM系统)、导弹逼近告警系统和设备、雷达告警设备、弹载电子对抗系统和设备、光电防护设备、电子防御、防护设备和器材,电子战类产品检测、维修和维护设备,电子战专用器件、组件和部件,反辐射攻击电子战设备、微波能武器设备、电子战有源和无源光电隐身系统与设备、导航干扰系统和设备、敌我识别器、航管应答机、侦察干扰系统和设备、激光干扰系统、干扰弹及发射装置。

9.1.4 情报侦察设备。包括战场情报侦察设备、技术侦察设备、情报侦察设备、情报综合处理系统。

9.1.5 通信和导航设备。包括通信网及通信网总承、军用通信系统及设备、短波通信设备、超短波通信设备、接力通信设备、散射通信设备、无线终端设备、野战程控交换机、野战人工交换机、野战电话机、野战传真机、野战载波机、野战光端机、野战综合通信网、通信车、野战通信线缆、卫星通信设备、野战通信电源设备、无线电导航、惯性导航和机载无线电导航设备、机载广播和报警设备。

9.1.6 识别与定位系统和设备。

9.1.7 安全保密系统。包括实体安全保密系统和设备、通信和计算机网络安全系统、信息安全保密系统和设备。

9.2 本清单所列各类武器的火控系统、测距仪和装置、光学系统(含军用望远镜、潜望镜)、光电系统、光机电系统。包括火炮与射弹跟踪与制导系统、测距与定位系统、测高仪、弹着观测仪和校准仪、各种瞄准具和设备、潜望镜、军事通信装置、目标指示器、目标探测系统以及为军用而专门设计、改进或组装的激光器、红外焦平面阵列探测器、图像增强器、夜瞄设备和系统。

9.3 制导与控制装置。包括本清单所列各类武器系统的制导与控制装置。

9.4 本类9.1至9.3节所列全部产品零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

9.5 与本类9.1至9.4节所列全部产品及其改进产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量和校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第十类 火炸药、推进剂、燃烧剂及相关化合物

10.1 军用火药、军用炸药、本清单所列各种武器使用的推进剂、军用燃烧剂、军用燃料增稠剂、军用烟火剂。包括:

10.1.1 发射药及其组份:用于发射枪炮弹丸的火药。包括单基发射药、双基发射药、三基发射药、多基发射药、混合硝酸酯发射药、硝胺发射药、高能低烧蚀发射药、黑火药。

10.1.2 推进剂及其组份。包括双基推进剂、复合固体推进剂(含丁轻羟、丁轻羧、丁羟、丁羟羧)、各种液体推进剂、改性推进剂。

10.1.3 军用炸药及其组份:用于各种弹药及军事爆破工程的炸药。包括单质炸药(含梯恩梯、第恩梯(DNT)、黑索金、奥克托金、太安)、混合炸药(含熔铸炸药、含金属粉的混合炸药、钝化炸药、燃料空气炸药、低易损性炸药、分子间炸药)。

10.1.4 军用燃烧剂及其组份。包括液体燃烧剂和固体燃烧剂。

10.1.5 军用燃料增稠剂及其组份。

10.1.6 军用烟火剂及其组份。

10.2 为本类所列产品专门配置的化合物。

10.3 与本类10.1至10.2节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、计量等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第十一类 军事训练设备

11.1 军事训练教学设备与装备。包括:

11.1.1 陆军武器装备训练、模拟、教学设备与装置。

11.1.2 海军舰艇及专用武器装备训练、模拟、教学设备与装置。

11.1.3 军用航空飞行器及专用武器装备训练、模拟、教学设备与装置。

11.1.4 特种武器装备训练、模拟、教学设备与装置。

11.2 本类11.1节所列全部产品零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

11.3 与本类11.1至11.2节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量和校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第十二类 核、生、化武器防护装备与设备

12.1 核、生、化防护装备与设备:对核武器、化学武器和生物武器袭击实施防护(简称三防)的装备与设备。包括所有利用三防技术制造的,可实施侦检、防护、洗消、急救的装备、设备和器材。

12.1.1 侦检装备与设备。包括辐射、生物、化学侦察、探测、检测及核、生、化武器袭击识别、报警装备、设备与器材(含核监视器材、化学侦察器材、生物侦察器材、侦毒包(纸)、化验箱、化验车、防化侦察车、毒气报警器、射线报警器、生物侦察仪)。

12.1.2 防护装备与设备。包括个人防护装备与设备(含过滤式防毒面具、隔绝式防毒面具等各种防毒面具、过滤式自救器、化学氧自救器、压缩氧自救器等各种自救器材)、集体防护装备与设备(含防毒帐篷、三防掩蔽体、可动式三防掩蔽部、滤毒通风装置、粒子过滤器、过滤吸收器、氧气再生装置)、防护装甲和防护涂料。

12.1.3 洗消装备与设备。包括洗消器材和车辆、个人消毒急救盒。

12.1.4 急救设备与器材。包括防护口罩、防化急救针具、专用药品和疫苗。

12.2 本类12.1节所列全部产品零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

12.3 与本类12.1至12.2节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量和校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第十三类 后勤装备、物资及其他辅助军事装备

13.1 后勤装备。包括军需装备、卫生装备、军交装备、油料装备、野营装备、仓库装备、后勤指挥管理自动化装备、海军专用后勤装备、空军专用后勤装备、导弹部队专用后勤装备。

13.1.1 军需装备和物资:供应军队的被服、装具、给养、炊事装备器材。包括: 军用被服。





E)其他,军用防蚊服(帽)、军用衬衫、军用背心、军用针织内衣裤、军用绒衣裤、军用手套。 军用装具。



C)其他,包括军用外腰带、军用雨衣、军用水壶、军用饭盒、军用行军床、军用生活携行具、军用毛毯、军用睡袋、军用蚊帐、军用马装具、军需盖布。 炊事装备器材。包括野战炊事加工装备(野战炊事车辆)、野战炊事储运装备、军用给养器材。 其他军需物资。包括野战食品、军用救生食品、军用水袋。

13.1.2 卫生装备和物资。包括: 机动载体的卫生装备。包括军用卫生技术车辆、军用医用方舱、军用医用舰船、军用医用飞机、军用卫生列车等载体的军用医疗设备、箱组。 伤员运送装备的附加装置。包括汽车、飞机、舰船等载体上运送伤员的军用附加装置、军用担架、军用担架式急救系统。 战场急救装备。包括军医和卫生员背囊(包),军用止血、包扎和固定器材,野战伤员通气、复苏装备,军用救生衣。 野战医疗技术保障装备。包括野战X线机、野战制水配液装备、野战制氧装备。 野战血站装备。包括野战血液采集、储运和运输装备。 野战防疫防护装备。包括野战检水检毒装备、野战肉食品检验装备。 军队特需药品。

13.1.3 军交装备。包括: 专用运输装备。包括军用整体自装卸补给车、军用侧桩式整装整卸补给车、军用整装整卸挂车、军用集装箱、军用集装托盘、军用特种改装铁路运输车。 军用装卸和加固装备。包括野战站台车、军用轻型组合站台、军用制式装配式站台、军用水运重装备可调平台、军用制式装备运输捆绑加固器。 专用抢修防护设备。包括军用多用途浮箱、军用软地面铺路车、船艇伞型堵漏器。 军用车辆运输勤务装备。包括军用大型运载车驾驶模拟器。

13.1.4 油料装备。包括: 野战油料装备:野战条件下用于油料运输、储存、加注、质量检测的各种油料装备。包括野战输油管线、泵机组、野战油库、野战加油站、野战群车加油(挂)车、野战油料化验箱。 军用油品:为军事目的开发的液体燃料、润滑油脂、特种液、添加剂等。

13.1.5 野营装备。包括: 各类军用帐篷及野营取暖和制冷装备。 野战取水、净水、储水、分装水及海水淡化装备。 野外发电机组和供电网络。

13.1.6 仓库装备。包括: 野战物资装卸搬运机械。 野战仓库物资管理自动化设备。

13.1.7 后勤指挥管理自动化装备。包括: 野战后勤指挥作业装备。 军队后勤信息、图形、声像、数据传输、管(处)理装备、软件及技术。

13.1.8 海军专用后勤装备:用于海军码头、岸滩、岛礁和海上后勤保障的海军专用后勤保障装备和器材。包括: 海上舰艇补给装备与器材。包括舰艇海上航行纵向液货补给装置、舰艇海上航行横向液货补给装置、舰艇海上航行横行干货补给装置、舰艇并靠补给装置。 舰载直升机补给装备与器材。包括舰对直升机悬停加油装置、直升机垂直补给装置。 海上伤员搜救装备与器材。包括海上医疗集装箱组、海上伤员搜救装备、海军专用担架。 岸滩机动保障装备与器材。包括岸滩油料补给车组、岸滩油料补给方舱、岸滩储加油系统、轻型单点系泊系统、潜艇物资上下舱输送机。 海军专用油料检测设备。包括舰艇油料快速检测仪。

13.1.9 空军专用后勤装备:用于空军场站和临时机场后勤保障的空军专用后勤装备。包括: 航空油料储存、运输、加注、检测装备与器材,野战机场油料补给系统。 机场快速开设、排弹、抢修、维护装备与器材,机场道面清扫装置,机场阵地及后勤设施伪装防护装备、器材与材料。 空勤、地勤、伞兵专用作训服、工作服和食品。 跑道快速修复设备和器材、野战机场铺设设备和器材。 油料、物资空运、空投、捆绑装备。 军事航空医学专用装备与器材。

13.1.10 导弹部队专用后勤装备与设备:用于导弹坑道固定阵地和机动发射阵地后勤保障的专用后勤装备。包括: 导弹坑道固定阵地和机动发射阵地后勤保障装备。包括环境生活保障的装备。 其他导弹部队专用后勤装备。包括油料、污染监测处理、救护等装备。

13.2 辅助军事装备。包括:

13.2.1 军用摄影、立体测绘和测量设备。

13.2.2 军用自备式潜水设备和水下呼吸设备。

13.2.3 军用能量转换装置。包括将核能、热能、太阳能、化学能、转换成电能的装置。

13.3 本类13.1至13.2节所列全部产品零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

13.4 与本类13.1至13.3节所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量和校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。

第十四类 其他产品

14.1 所有未列入本清单的其他各类有实际军事应用价值,并且是专门为军事目的而设计或改进的产品。这些产品中的任何一种是否应列入本类,由国家军品出口贸易主管部门决定。

14.2 本类所列全部产品的零件、部件、辅助件、附件、配件、备件、半成品和样品。

14.3 与本类所列全部产品直接相关的研制、生产、试验、测试、检验、使用、维修、计量和校准、升级改造等方面的技术、工艺、设备、技术资料(含软件)、服务以及生产本类所列全部产品的特种原材料和辅料。


[Translation by]

In accordance with Article 2 of the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Military Products Export", this list is formulated, adjusted and published by the national military export authority.

This list is interpreted by the national military export authority.

First class light weapons

1.1 Light weapons: weapons carried and used by individual soldiers or teams include:

1.1.1 Firearms: gunpowder and gas and other energy are mainly used to launch bullets through the tube, and the caliber is less than 20 mm (0.78 inches). Including pistols, submachine guns, rifles, machine guns and other special purpose firearms.

1.1.2 Grenade weapons: Infantry melee weapons that launch grenade to complete certain combat tasks. Including grenades, mortar grenade launchers, seatless launchers, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, grenade launchers, individual guided weapons, grenades and various other grenade launchers.

1.1.3 Special equipment: weapons carried by individual soldiers or teams for blasting, mine-laying, mine detection, demining, arson, smoke, lighting, signaling, anti-riot and other special tasks.

1.1.4 Lightweight laser interference device.

1.1.5 Cold weapons. Including bayonets, multi-purpose knives, paratrooper knives, pilot knives and other military knives.

1.2 Sights, night sights, silencers, suppressors and flash suppressors that are used for all products listed in section 1.1 of this category.

1.3 Parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in sections 1.1 to 1.2 of this category.

1.4 The technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software), service and production directly related to all the products listed in section 1.1 to 1.3 of this category Special raw materials and auxiliary materials for all products listed in sections 1.1 to 1.3 of this category.

Type II artillery and other launching devices

2.1 Artillery: Use energy such as gunpowder and gas pressure to project projectiles with a barrel diameter equal to and greater than 20 mm (0.78 inches). Including cannons, howitzers, mortars, mortars, rocket launchers, recoilless guns, anti-aircraft guns, tank guns, anti-tank guns, aerial guns, naval guns, shore guns and the above various artillery self-propelled or self-propelled forms.

2.2 All kinds of new energy artillery.

2.3 Sights, night sights, rangefinders, launchers and bases for all products listed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this category.

2.4 Military flamethrower and related parts and devices. Including oil storage device, pressure source device, oil pipeline, ignition device and injection device.

2.5 Parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in section 2.1 to 2.4 of this category.

2.6 The technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software), service and production directly related to all the products listed in section 2.1 to 2.5 of this category. Special raw materials and auxiliary materials for all products listed in section 2.1 to 2.5 of this category.

Class III ammunition, landmines, mines, bombs, anti-tank missiles and other explosive devices

3.1 Ammunition: The general term for devices and parts that use firearms, individual or squad combat launchers, various barrel weapons, launchers (barrels), and use gunpowder gas pressure or other energy sources to project projectiles and accessories. include:

3.1.1 Various caliber bullets, artillery shells, rockets and grenades and other various ammunition for all weapons listed in the first and second categories of this list.

3.1.2 Projectiles (including fuzes, projectiles, and fillings), propellant charges (including propellants and accessories, cartridges or cartridges, ignition devices) that are compatible with all the products listed in item 3.1.1 of Section 3.1 of this category , Bullet core, booster, detonation device, primer, insurance and release device and high output power supply for one-time operation.

3.1.3 Ammunition chain and ammunition chain feeder.

3.2 Ammunition manufacturing machinery and ammunition loading machinery.

3.3 Landmine: A weapon that is set up under the ground or on the ground to constitute an explosive barrier and waits for the target to act (or manipulate) and ignite. include:

3.3.1 Anti-tank mines, anti-infantry mines and special mines.

3.3.2 Mine body and fuze of landmine.

3.4 Mines: Explosive devices deployed in shallow coastal waters or rivers and lakes to damage or delay ships, amphibious vehicles, personnel, etc. include:

3.4.1 River mines, tidal flat water (land) mines and special mines.

3.4.2 The shell, fuze, charge, initiating device, auxiliary instrument, mine-laying accessories, setting depth keeping device and related parts of the mine.

3.5 Bombs: Ammunitions and ammunition dispensers dropped by airplanes or other aircraft. Including charging projectile body, stabilizing device, fuze, detonation device, hanging ears, and additional deceleration device, guidance device and power system according to the requirements of use.

3.6 Anti-tank missiles: missiles used to attack tanks or other armors, fortifications, bunkers and other targets (including remote control and homing guidance devices for anti-tank missiles).

3.7 The launching device, blasting device, detonating device, fire transmitting device, detonator and aiming device, night vision device, and various equipment that are used for all the products listed in Section 3.1 to 3.6 of this category.

3.8 The handling, control, start-up, monitoring, testing, and dismantling devices, software, equipment and equipment of all products listed in Sections 3.1 to 3.7 of this category.

3.9 Destruction and removal equipment for military explosives.

3.10 Ablation-resistant materials specially designed or improved for all products listed in this category and processed or semi-processed from advanced composite materials (such as silicon, graphite, carbon/boron fiber filaments).

3.11 Parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in Sections 3.1 to 3.9 of this category.

3.12 The technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software), service and production directly related to all the products listed in section 3.1 to 3.11 of this category Special raw materials and auxiliary materials for all products listed in sections 3.1 to 3.11 of this category.

Fourth category tanks, armored vehicles and other military vehicles

4.1 Tank: A tracked armored combat vehicle with strong direct firepower, high off-road mobility and strong armor protection. Including main battle tanks, amphibious tanks, reconnaissance tanks, and airborne tanks.

4.2 Armored vehicles: All kinds of tracked or wheeled military vehicles with armor protection. Including amphibious armored vehicles, armored infantry fighting vehicles, armored transport vehicles, armored reconnaissance vehicles, armored command vehicles, armored communication vehicles, armored electronic countermeasures vehicles, armored intelligence processing vehicles, armored ambulances, armored decontamination vehicles, armored bomb supply vehicles, Armored supply vehicles, armored anti-riot vehicles.

4.3 Other military vehicles: all tracked or wheeled vehicles used for military purposes (military engineering vehicles and logistics support vehicles are not included in this category). Including special assault vehicles, various rocket and missile launch vehicles, self-propelled artillery chassis vehicles, combat support vehicles, high-mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicles (including reconnaissance vehicles, anti-riot vehicles, etc.), and other special military vehicles.

4.4 Chassis, power and transmission devices specially designed or improved for all products listed in Section 4.1 to Section 4.3 of this category.

4.5 Active armor and reactive armor devices configured for the products listed in Sections 4.1 to 4.2 of this category.

4.6 Parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in Sections 4.1 to 4.5 of this category.

4.7 The technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software), service and production directly related to all the products listed in section 4.1 to 4.6 of this category Special raw materials and auxiliary materials for all products listed in sections 4.1 to 4.6 of this category.

The fifth category military engineering equipment and equipment

5.1 Military engineering equipment and equipment: equipment and equipment used for military operations such as engineering construction, bridge erection, floating crossing, crossing crossing, mine-laying, mine detection, mine clearance, mine clearance, rescue, emergency repair, blasting and clearing of obstacles and camouflage. include:

5.1.1 Military engineering construction vehicles and equipment. Including bulldozers, loaders, excavators, graders, road rollers and military engineering machinery, equipment, equipment, tools, etc.

5.1.2 Engineering, rescue and repair vehicles. Including tank rescue vehicles, armored repair vehicles, armored maintenance engineering vehicles, tank bridge erection vehicles, road equipment (including road vehicles), floating ferry, pontoon bridge, military bridge (including mechanized bridge, trestle bridge), floating dock, wading equipment (Including light-duty river crossing equipment).

5.1.3 Mine mine, mine detection, mine clearance, mine clearance equipment, equipment and vehicles. Including minesweeper tanks, road minesweeping vehicles, armored minesweeping vehicles, armored minesweeping vehicles, towed minesweeping vehicles, mine-throwing vehicles, rocket minesweeping vehicles, rocket minesweeping vehicles, rocket minesweeping bombs, individual mine-laying devices, electronic mine-detection equipment, and metal mine detection Explosive devices, non-metal mine detectors, aerial bomb detectors, rocket blasting bombs, flexible blasting devices, detonating cord nets, minesweeping rollers, minesweeping plough chains.

5.1.4 Barrier-breaking equipment and equipment. Including obstacle-breaking vehicles, anti-infantry obstacle-breaking systems, and landing obstacle-breaking systems.

5.1.5 Engineering blasting equipment. Including rocket blasters, bunker blasters, blasting tubes, standard explosive blocks, pyrotechnics, and remote-controlled detonators.

5.1.6 Testing and inspection equipment.

5.1.7 Disguise and deceive devices. Including camouflage equipment and deception equipment (including false targets, simulation devices and fireworks, camouflage obstruction devices).

5.2 Parts, components, accessories, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in section 5.1 of this category.

5.3 The technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software), service and production directly related to all the products listed in section 5.1 to 5.2 of this category Special raw materials and auxiliary materials for all products listed in Sections 5.1 to 5.2 of this category.

Sixth category of military ships and their special equipment and equipment

6.1 Military ships: ships designed, constructed, improved, modified and equipped for military purposes that can navigate on the water surface, in the area of ​​ground effect wings or underwater. include:

6.1.1 Combat ships (including nuclear-powered type). Including destroyers, frigates, frigates, guided missile boats, torpedo boats, submarine hunting ships, submarines, amphibious warships, landing ships, patrol boats (including inland river and lake patrol boats), assault boats, military hovercraft, mine-laying ships (boats), anti-mines Ships, hunters, minesweeping ships and other special operations ships.

6.1.2 Military auxiliary ships. Including submarine rescue ships (boats), maritime supply ships, medical ambulance ships, supply/repair ships, reconnaissance ships, combat support logistics ships, non-combat support service ships, and other special work ships used for military purposes.

6.2 Shipborne Weapon System: Weapon systems and equipment that are specially designed and improved to form the combat capability of ships, using military ships or shipborne aircraft as the platform, from target detection to launch control. Including combat command and control systems, ship machine guns, naval guns, rocket launchers, torpedoes, mines, missiles, depth charges, anti-submarine warfare devices, launch control devices, and various hunting, sweeping, and mine-killing devices.

6.3 Special equipment for ships: Special systems and equipment specially designed or improved for combat ships. include:

6.3.1 Ship power, propulsion and control equipment. Including nuclear power, diesel engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, electric propulsion systems and power batteries, generators, propulsion motors and various propellers and rear transmission devices.

6.3.2 Naval navigation system and equipment. Including integrated navigation display console, inertial navigation system, platform compass, satellite navigation receiving equipment, gyro compass, magnetic compass, electronic chart, radio navigation system, log, depth sounder, and submarine sounder.

6.3.3 Other special equipment and devices for ships. Including helicopter landing system and equipment, shipborne drone launch and recovery equipment, anti-rolling device, ship control system and rudder device, submersible console, air compressor, high-pressure air bottle, pressure accumulator, various pumps , Anchor device, cabin atmospheric environment control system and equipment, special propellers, all kinds of danger and life-saving equipment and submarine rescue equipment.

6.4 Shipborne electronic and optical equipment. Including the C4ISR (command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance. No more notes below) systems used in maritime operations, various radars, electronic warfare, electronic reconnaissance, electronic interference, electromagnetic environment simulators, and various sound Nano and system display console, own boat noise detector, acoustic target simulator, communication system and equipment, various antennas, photoelectric tracker, electronic countermeasure system and equipment, submarine periscope and device, underwater acoustic countermeasure system and launch control Equipment, various underwater acoustic jammers, air curtains and decoys, infrared night vision devices, laser rangefinders, underwater target detection and tracking devices (including acoustic, magnetic, water pressure detection and tracking equipment).

6.5 Parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in Sections 6.1 to 6.4 of this category.

6.6 The technology, process, equipment and related production lines, technical data (including software), technology, technology, equipment and related production lines, technical data (including software), etc. directly related to all the products listed in Sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this category. Services and special raw materials and auxiliary materials for the production of all products listed in this category.

The seventh category of military aviation aircraft and its special equipment and equipment

7.1 Military aviation vehicle: An aviation vehicle specially designed, improved or equipped for military purposes. Including fighters (interceptors), bombers, fighter bombers, assault aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, early warning aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, aerial tankers, carrier-based aircraft, seaplanes, transport aircraft, general-purpose aircraft, ultralight aircraft, trainers, research/demonstrators , Ground-effect wing aircraft, hovercraft, special manned aircraft, balloons, airships, armed helicopters, reconnaissance helicopters, communications command helicopters, carrier helicopters, transport helicopters, multi-purpose helicopters, training helicopters, electronic countermeasure helicopters, unmanned helicopters , Reconnaissance drones, electronic warfare drones, attack drones, targets, unmanned airships and their supporting control and detection equipment, parachute gear and helmets for airborne troops, military aviation aircraft pilot helmets and life-saving devices (including Life-saving umbrellas, ejection seats and other life-saving devices).

7.2 Military aircraft engines: engines specially designed or improved for military aircraft listed in section 7.1 of this category. Including piston engines, turboprop engines, turboshaft engines, turbojet engines, turbofan engines, ramjet engines (including intake ports), solid rocket engines, liquid rocket engines, and other equipment and devices related to the above-mentioned various engines .

7.3 Airborne equipment: All kinds of airborne equipment specially designed or improved for the military aircraft listed in section 7.1 of this category. Including radar, communication systems and equipment, navigation equipment, flight control equipment and instruments, pneumatic equipment, hydraulic equipment, aerial submarine detection equipment (including dipping sonar, sonobuoy and magnetic detector), aerial detection, mapping and reconnaissance equipment , Ejection life-saving equipment, take-off and landing equipment, environmental control equipment, power supply and power distribution equipment, external object management systems and equipment, data transmission systems and equipment, airborne computers, air data systems, friend or foe identifier, transponder, second power Devices (APU, etc.), avionics integrated system, non-avionics integrated system, electronic map, flight parameter measurement and recording system, fuel equipment, wheel brake equipment, on-board oxygen supply equipment, personal protective life-saving equipment, various navigation indicating devices .

7.4 Airborne weapon system. Including missiles (including supporting testing equipment), aviation bombs, rockets, aviation cannons, aviation machine guns, aviation torpedoes (mines), various airborne weapon pods, weapon suspensions, launchers, airborne fire control systems and equipment (including Airborne radar, airborne electronic countermeasure system, optical, photoelectric anti-submarine detection device, camera pod, radar or photoelectric reconnaissance pod, aiming pod, navigation pod, guidance pod, electronic countermeasure pod, mission computer, multi-function Display, sight, helmet sight, camera gun, video recording system, helmet sight display, C4ISR system, head-up display).

7.5 Flight support equipment and facilities: specially designed and improved airport facilities, station equipment, primary and secondary support equipment, runway quick repair equipment and equipment, and field airports to ensure the use and maintenance of military aircraft listed in section 7.1 of this category Laying equipment and equipment, airport equipment (including various gas source vehicles, power vehicles, tractors).

7.6 Parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in Sections 7.1 to 7.5 of this category.

7.7 Technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software) related to the development, production, testing, testing, inspection, use, maintenance, measurement and calibration, upgrading and transformation of all products listed in Sections 7.1 to 7.6 of this category directly , Services, and special raw materials and auxiliary materials for the production of all products listed in this category.

The eighth category of rockets, missiles, military satellites and their auxiliary equipment

8.1 Rocket: An aircraft propelled by the reaction force generated by the jet of a rocket engine. include:

8.1.1 Launch vehicle. Including launch vehicles with various load capacities, any stage or any sub-stage of launch vehicles, rocket engines, and rocket casings.

8.1.2 Tactical rocket. Including carrier rockets, aviation rockets, artillery rockets, mine-laying rockets, anti-tank rockets, military weather rockets, and payloads of various tactical rockets, rocket engines and stabilizers.

8.2 Missile weapon system: A weapon system that is composed of a missile system and its supporting technical equipment and facilities, capable of independently performing combat missions. Including missile systems, combat service support systems, target reconnaissance and targeting systems, and command and communication systems.

8.2.1 Missile system: the general term for the missile and its supporting testing and launching technical equipment. Including missiles and their transportation, docking, loading, testing, aiming, launching, power supply and other equipment.

8.2.2 Missile: an unmanned flying weapon equipped with a power unit, capable of controlling the flight trajectory, and carrying a payload. Including surface-to-surface, surface-to-air, air-to-surface, air-to-air missiles.

8.2.3 Direct combat equipment. Including missiles and missile launching systems, search and tracking systems, and communication systems (including tracking systems using transponders installed on the missile system, missile loading and unloading, positioning and launching equipment, command communication vehicles and equipment at all levels, and positioning and directional equipment).

8.2.4 Technical support equipment. Including testing equipment, maintenance equipment, missile loading equipment and transportation equipment.

8.2.5 The main system equipment of the missile. Including fuze warhead system equipment (including warhead, fuze, safety device, release device, safety detonation device and other related equipment), guidance and control system equipment (including target detection device, flight control device and components, components and other related equipment) Electronic and electrical equipment), on-board telemetry equipment, power plants, on-board energy and missile bodies.

8.2.6 Various components, equipment, procedures and software of missile weapon systems. include: All levels and sub-levels of the missile system, all levels and sub-levels of the rocket, the inter-stage mechanism of the carrier rocket, the missile reentry vehicle, the ablative material heat jacket and its parts of the missile reentry vehicle, and the missile The heat sink device and its components of the reentry aircraft, and the electronic equipment of the missile reentry aircraft. Liquid rocket engines, solid rocket engines, turbojet engines, turbofan engines, ramjets, combined engines, plasma engines, liquid propellants, solid propellants, rocket engine casings, linings, insulation and nozzles, Missile launch catapult, missile booster. Warhead, fuze, safety device, release device, safety detonation device, multi-warhead splitting device, warhead anti-compression, anti-explosion, anti-electromagnetic device and other related equipment. Guidance and control devices. Including target detection and indicating equipment and devices, radar guidance devices, infrared guidance devices, television guidance devices, laser guidance devices, image guidance devices, composite guidance devices, radio command guidance devices, autopilots, inertial navigation devices, command devices, missiles Onboard computer, actuator, thrust vector control system, rudder system, missile hydraulic, mechanical, photoelectric, electromechanical control system, attitude control system and equipment. Missile command and control system. Including launch control and data transmission procedures and devices, target search, identification, tracking, illumination and indication systems and related equipment, radar detection equipment, command and control systems and related equipment, launch systems and related equipment, power supply and distribution systems, and Its related equipment.

8.2.7 Missile production test equipment. Including simulation test equipment and related software, mechanical environment test equipment, impact overload test equipment, electromagnetic interference test equipment, electromagnetic compatibility test equipment, detonation test equipment, stress test equipment, target characteristic test equipment, wind tunnel test equipment, missile component assembly line , Product assembly line, production line special equipment, processing and testing equipment, fixtures and related general equipment.

8.2.8 Related special software for the above products and equipment (including combat command, control, communication software, guidance radar data processing software, missile flight control software, missile launch control software, range measurement, test equipment and related software, missile and ground Telemetry equipment and related software).

8.3 Military satellites: satellites used for military purposes. include:

8.3.1 Military communication satellites, military reconnaissance satellites, military navigation and positioning satellites, military weather satellites, military remote sensing satellites, military surveying and mapping satellites, and military test satellites.

8.3.2 Satellite components. Including antennas, propellants, attitude control devices, energy devices, thermal control devices, measurement and control devices, global positioning systems and various mission devices.

8.3.3 Satellite ground equipment. Including data receiving equipment, data processing equipment, etc.

8.4 Special parts, components, auxiliary parts, accessories, accessories, spare parts, semi-finished products and samples of all products listed in Sections 8.1 to 8.3 of this category.

8.5 Technology, process, equipment, technical data (including software) related to the development, production, testing, testing, inspection, use, maintenance, measurement and calibration, upgrading and transformation of all products listed in Section 8.1 to 8.4 of this category directly , Services, and special raw materials and auxiliary materials for the production of all products listed in this category.

The ninth category of military electronic products and fire control, ranging, optical, guidance and control devices

9.1 Electronic equipment used for military purposes or specially designed, modified or configured for military use. include:

9.1.1 Command automation system and equipment. Including joint operations command automation system, Air Force C4ISR system, Navy C4ISR system, Army C4ISR system, air traffic control system, military computer system, application support software system and supporting equipment.

9.1.2 Radar system and its sensors. Including radar systems and sensors with functions such as early warning, surveillance, target indication guidance, fire control, battlefield reconnaissance, surveying, traffic control, meteorology, identification of friend or foe, search, capture, tracking, imaging, and calibration, as well as supporting systems for various radars And equipment.

9.1.3 Electronic warfare equipment. Including radar countermeasure systems and equipment, photoelectric countermeasure systems and equipment, communication countermeasure systems and equipment, radio proximity fuze countermeasure systems and equipment, underwater acoustic countermeasure systems and sensors, radar and photoelectric decoy equipment, electronic support measures systems (ESM systems), Missile approach warning system and equipment, radar warning equipment, missile-borne electronic countermeasure system and equipment, photoelectric protection equipment, electronic defence, protective equipment and equipment, electronic warfare product testing, repair and maintenance equipment, electronic warfare special devices, components and parts , Anti-radiation attack electronic warfare equipment, microwave energy weapon equipment, electronic warfare active and passive photoelectric stealth systems and equipment, navigation jamming systems and equipment, friend or friend identifiers, air traffic control transponders, reconnaissance jamming systems and equipment, laser jamming systems , Jamming bombs and launchers.

9.1.4 Intelligence reconnaissance equipment. Including battlefield intelligence reconnaissance equipment, technical reconnaissance equipment, intelligence reconnaissance equipment, and intelligence integrated processing system.

9.1.5 Communication and navigation equipment. Including communication network and communication network general contractor, military communication systems and equipment, short-wave communication equipment, ultra-short wave communication equipment, relay communication equipment, scattering communication equipment, wireless terminal equipment, field program-controlled switches, field manual switches, field telephones, field fax machines , Field carrier, field optical transceiver, field integrated communication network, communication vehicle, field communication cable, satellite communication equipment, field communication power supply equipment, radio navigation, inertial navigation and airborne radio navigation equipment, airborne broadcasting and alarm equipment.

9.1.6 Identification and positioning systems and equipment.

9.1.7 Security an

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