Citation(s) from the literature library
Ecuador. 2016 ‘Destruction (Destrucción).’ National Report of Ecuador on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA); Section 5, p. 6. New York NY: Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations. 1 April
Relevant contents
Sección 5: Gestión de las existencias
Medidas adoptados durante el período sobre el que se informa
10.6. ¿Ha destruido su país durante el período sobre el que se informa algún excedente de armas? SI
10.6.1. ¿Cuántas armas pequeñas y armas ligeras se destruyeron? Sírvase proporcionar información detallada sobre su destrucción.
5513 armas incautadas y 3540 accesorios
[Translation by]
Section 5: Stockpile Management
Actions taken during the reporting period
10.6. During the reporting period, has your country destroyed surplus stocks? YES
10.6.1. How many SALW were destroyed?
5,513 weapons and 3,540 accessories were seized.
[SALW = Small Arms and Light Weapons]
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