Citation(s) from the literature library
Haiti. 1988 ‘Decree on Firearms of 1988 (Décret sur les armes à feu de 1988).’ Decree of 12 January 1988, Laying Down the Conditions for the Ownership, Possession and Use of Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Categories of Weapons Listed as Dangerous on the National Territory, pp. 425-6. Port au Prince: Le Moniteur, Ministry of the Interior and of Local Government of the Republic of Haiti. 12 January
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Décret du 12 janvier 1988 fixant les conditions d'appropriation, de détention et d'utilisation des armes à feu, munitions, explosifs et autres catégories d'armes dites dangereuses sur le territoire national
Vu la Loi du 23 décembre 1922 sur le commerce, l'acquisition, la détention et l'utilisation des armes à feu…
Considérant que le contrôle des armes à feu, munitions, explosifs et autres catégories d'armes dites dangereuses se trouvant sur le territoire national est du ressort exclusif des Forces Armées d'Haïti…
[Translation by]
Decree of 12 January 1988, Laying Down the Conditions for the Ownership, Possession and Use of Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Categories of Weapons Listed as Dangerous on the National Territory
Having regard to the Act of 23 December 1922, on the Commerce, Acquisition, Possession and Use of Firearms…
Whereas the control of firearms, ammunition, explosives and other categories of weapons listed as dangerous on the national territory is the exclusive competence of Haiti Armed Forces…
[Editor's Note: After reviewing available legislation and other source documents, found no evidence of a provision in law to regulate this aspect of firearm policy. As some authorities enforce restrictions only in practice, the mere absence of a published legal provision should be treated with caution]
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