Citation(s) from the literature library
Godnick, William, Robert Muggah and Camilla Waszink. 2002 ‘Homicide Data.’ Stray Bullets: the Impact of Small Arms Misuse in Central America; Occasional Paper No. 5, p. 11. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. 1 October
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[T]he proportion of homicides committed with firearms in El Salvador rose to 75 per cent of the total in 1999, from an average of 55 per cent for the years 1990-95 (Cruz, 2001)…(10)
Footnote References:
(10) The figure of 75 per cent includes explosives such as grenades, although they only accounted for 17 of the 1,917 firearmrelated homicides in 1999.
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