Citation(s) from the literature library
Bolivia. 2014 ‘Requirements (Requisitos).’ Supreme Decree No. 2175, Regulation of the Act No. 400 on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Materials; Title III, Chapter I (Article 15), p. 13. La Paz: Official Gazette of Bolivia. 5 November
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Decreto Supremo N° 2175, Reglamento de la Ley N°400 sobre Control de Armas de Fuego, Munición, Explosivos y Otros Materiales Relacionados
Articulo 15. Requisitos
Para la obtención del certificado de registro, deberán presentar al Ministerio de Defensa, los siguientes documentos en original o fotocopias legalizadas…
2. Testimonio de constitución de sociedad de la empresa, si corresponde…
4. Cédula de identidad o pasaporte del representante legal, fotocopia simple;
5. Certificado único de antecedentes policiales del representante legal (Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Crimen -FELCC- y Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Narcotráfico -FELCN);
6. Certificado de antecedentes policiales internacionales, emitido por INTERPOL, en caso de que el representante legal sea extranjero;
7. Certificado de antecedentes penales del representante legal, otorgado por el Registro Judicial de Antecedentes Penales (REJAP);
8. Licencia de funcionamiento o padrón municipal otorgado por el Gobierno Autónomo Municipal Respectivo…
[Translation by]
Supreme Decree No. 2175, Regulation of the Act No. 400 on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Materials
Article 15. Requirements
Applicants shall submit to the Ministry of Defence the following documents, an original or authenticated photocopy, to obtain a registration certificate…
2. Certification of incorporation of the company, if applicable…
4. Identity card or passport of the legal representative, simple photocopy;
5. Unique certificate of police records of the legal representative (Special Forces for Fight against Crime –FELCC- and Special Forces for the Fight against narco trafficking –FELCN);
6. Certificate of international police records, issued by INTERPOL, should the legal representative be a foreigner;
7. Certificate of [any] criminal records of the legal representative, issued by the Judicial Register of Criminal Records (REJAP);
8. Licence of functioning or municipal power issued by the respective Autonomous Municipal Government…
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